Our Service Guarantee

At Meltech THERMAL IMAGING we are committed to providing you a reliable service which
delivers consistent results. Our company is built with honesty and integrity and we have
the technology to diagnose what is really happening with your building.

The “No Mess” Solution

Our innovative service is “demolition free” meaning no tearing down walls to find out the problem. Our infrared technology can pinpoint anything from electrical to plumbing problems to voids in insulation or heat loss.

The peace of mind of a sound investment

Let us educate you on the condition of your building, saving you time and money and assisting you in making the best decisions for your future. We don’t just think you have a good property, we know you do. The Proof is in the Picture.

Meltech Thermal Imaging is a company you can count on to maximize energy efficiency solutions and to give you a full understanding of potential problems before you purchase your home, prior to renovations or as general maintenance.
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